An International Workshop at the University of Jaén

Workshop Internazionale - Locandina

Between November 9th and 11th, an international workshop took place at the Universidad de Jaén (UJA), Spain. The title of the initiative was “ Multidisciplinary Actions to Add Value to the project ‘Archaeological and Environmental Risk Chart and Digital Actions for Smart Tourism of tumbledown Historica-Cultural Heritage in Natural Landscapes of the province of Jaén (DIGITALESCAPE)”.

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A cooperation in research between Psychologists and Geographers

A study was recently published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology entitled “Different types of virtual natural environments enhance subjective vitality through restorativeness”. by an interdisciplinary team consisting of Annalisa Theodorou, Luciano Romano, Gregory N. Bratman, Giuseppe A. Carbone, Roberta Rodelli, Gianluca Casagrande and Angelo Panno.    The study investigated…

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GREAL’s Geoservice System is operational

Within the framework of the LabGeoNet collaboration network among Italy’s scientific geographic laboratories, GREAL has released its free geoservice system for GIS data processing. The system was developed by the IT office of the European University of Rome under Eng. Marco Spanu: testing was completed on January 23rd and normal operation…

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InsuLab, prospettive insulari. Questioni storico-geografiche (Greal Reports 3)

InsuLab, prospettive insulari. Questioni storico-geografiche a cura di Arturo Gallia, 2022 ISBN 978-88-946229-2-8 Nell’immaginario comune, isole e società insulari soffrono di una lettura stereotipata, in cui il turismo estivo fatto di sole, mare e divertimento predomina su ogni altro aspetto. Pur in presenza di una letteratura molto ampia, questa visione…

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